The Gifts & The Body 40: What Love Is...

"Agape characterizes God and what He manifested in the gift of His Son. It is more than mutual affection; it expresses unselfish esteem of the object loved. Christ’s love for us is undeserved and without thought of return. The love that His followers show, Paul now says, should be the same."

Charles Caldwell Ryrie, Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Bible, 1995 Update, Expanded ed. (Chicago: Moody Press, 1995), 1836.

The Gifts & The Body 39: What Love is NOT

1 Peter 4:10-11

1. Each believer has received a gift (v.10a)

2. This gift is for serving other believers (v.10b)

3. Serving one another makes us good stewards of this gift (grace) (v.10c)

4. Spiritual gifts demonstrate the manifold grace of God among the Church (v.10d)

5. The first category of spiritual gifts is "speaking" (v.11a)

6. Those with "speaking" gifts are to use them as "speaking the utterances of God" (v.11b)

7. The second category of spiritual gifts is "serving" (v.11c)

8. Those with "serving" gifts are to use them as "serving by the strength that God supplies" (v.11d)

9. God is glorified through our use of spiritual gifts when they are used His way (v.11e)

* #6 & #8 show that spiritual gifts must be done 

by faith, not by flesh. When done by faith, they are then being exercised spiritually. 

Faith is how the believer accesses the glorious benefits of the Spirit.

What are the Implications of 1 Peter 4:10-11

1. Every believer has a gift! Therefore, every believer can serve!

2. By giving gifts, this means that God has plans for us- His will/good works- Eph 2:10

3. By giving gifts, His will/good works can only be accomplished by what He supplies. It's His way, done with His Word, done in His power which is by His Spirit in us. We are simply the tools that He chooses to work through.

If it is Him working through us, our submission is the only way to experience the supernatural. 

4. We must handle these grace gifts faithfully. Exercising God's gifts in God's way will be a major factor regarding our faithfulness at the Judgment Seat of Christ -2 Cor 5:10.

Imperative- "A command or exhortation”

"But earnestly desire the greater gifts.

And I show you a still more excellent way."

Indicative- "A statement of fact"

"You are desiring the sensational gifts.

And I show you a still more excellent way.

"Agape characterizes God and what He manifested in the gift of His Son. It is more than mutual affection; it expresses unselfish esteem of the object loved. Christ’s love for us is undeserved and without thought of return. The love that His followers show, Paul now says, should be the same."

-Charles Caldwell Ryrie, Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Bible, 1995 Update, Expanded ed. (Chicago: Moody Press, 1995), 1836.