Biblical Prayer
Are You Seeking God?
The Bible is unparalleled in its contents, ability, and sufficiency.
2 Timothy 3:16-17.
-Contents, because it is Truth, inspired by God Himself.
-Ability, being useful & advantageous to us in:
+Teaching: Doctrine, What we need to know.
+Reproof: Conviction, How we are wrong.
+Correction: Alignment, Setting us straight.
+Training: Instruction, Forward in a new direction.
-Sufficient, God’s Word makes us “adequate”- “thoroughly furnished, qualified to perform a function, well-fitted, complete, capable, able to meet all demands.” This is living life rightly!!!
The Bible must be received if it is to effect change in our lives
How do we get the Word of God within us?
Deuteronomy 6:4-9. All of life is to be conducted by God’s Word. It must get into the heart so that religious legalism is avoided.
James 1:21-22. We must… 1. set aside evil fleshly things (1:21a) and 2. humbly accept what He has already instilled in us (1:21b).
By so doing, we are able to rescue our lives (souls) from worthless living (1:21c; see also 1:19-20).
-We are cautioned to be “doers” and not just “hearers.” To hear the Word apart from doing the Word is to self-deceive.
Ephesians 5:17-21 & Colossians 3:16-17. To be filled with the Spirit is to be filled with the Word. The result is godly living, with spiritual motives, thankfulness, and joy! The attitude changes!
Psalm 119:10-11. We benefit from the Word of God in not sinning against God when we “store it up” in our hearts.
Q: Are we seeking God in His Word with all of our heart?
We can start today!
Resurrection Sunday
1 Corinthians 15:1-26
Guest Speaker
Christmas Service
A Christmas to Remember
This week we enjoyed a performance from the Resounding Sounds and the Grace Bible Church Chorale. Pastor Jeremy shared with us a brief message from Luke 1.
Loving People to LIFE in Christ Part 3
Loving People to LIFE in Christ, Part 3
The 2nd Aspect of LIFE- That the believer would live a worthy LIFE that will merit greatness in the coming Kingdom of Christ. This is accomplished ONLY by applying Scripture to our minds and actions.
WARNING: This teaching is not readily accepted by all believers. By and large, the Church of America has dismissed, or remain ignorant to, this teaching. However, it is replete throughout the New Testament, with many Old Testament allusions and types showing the same. This immense failure to “accurately handle the Word of Truth” has led to the false teaching that works play some part in faith alone.
Note: When studying any passage, context determines meaning.
John 10:10. The Abundant Life speaks of how we live on earth and what it will yield in the Coming Kingdom.
Each of the following verses show that “eternal life” is something that is to be acquired in the future. These make up 35% (15 times) of the uses of “eternal life” in the Scriptures. They are: Matthew 19:16,29; 25:46 (cf. v. 35); Mark 10:17,30; Luke 10:25,28,30; John 4:36; 6:27; 12:25; Romans 2:7;6:22; Galatians 6:8; Jude 21.
Matthew 19:16-30. Many have explained this passage by stating that Jesus’ mention of “keep the commandments” (v.17b) was to call the man to see his sinfulness and that his failure to “forsake all” shows that he was not a saved person. This view makes one’s justification salvation contingent upon works.
Instead, observe that the man asks a works question (v.16) and Jesus gives a works answer (v.17). Jesus states that if he wants to be “complete,” he should sell his possessions and give the proceeds to the poor. Then he will have treasure in heaven. The word for “complete” is teleios and is often used to speak of Christian maturity (1 Cor 14:20; Eph 4:13; Heb 5:14; Jas 1:4). Jesus then explains to His disciples regarding the “kingdom of God/heaven” (v.23-24). Peter’s reply (v.27) is not rebuked, but embraced and answered (v.28-30).
Luke 10:25-37. A lawyer tests Jesus. Before we conclude that this man is “unsaved” simply for testing Jesus, keep in mind that we test Him every day when we question His Word. As in the Matthew passage, the man asks a works question (“inherit eternal life”) and Jesus replies with a works answer. Obviously, this is not addressing receiving eternal life as a free gift by faith in Jesus. Works are in view.
After providing a summary of the spirit of the Law, Jesus responds “Do this and you will live,” with “do this” in the present imperative, meaning that Jesus was calling on the man to “abide in this,” or “keep doing this.” Jesus’ point is that he would live the Abundant LIFE (John 10:10). Many have also concluded that v.29 is evidence that this man is “unsaved,” but Jesus does not give us that indication. Instead, Jesus answers him with a story.
For this lawyer, his “neighbor” would have been a fellow Jew. Jesus’ story calls the man to show mercy to a half-breed Samaritan, a sect of people that the Jews treated with contempt. Jesus is calling for the man to lay down his racism in exchange for living the Abundant LIFE.
For the unbeliever, eternal life is a free gift received at the moment that they believe in Christ. For the believer, eternal life speaks of a future reward for faithfulness and sacrifice now.
You can have as much as your desire in the Coming Kingdom.
Are willing to forsake the carnal comforts and satisfactions of this earthly life?
Our Father has done nothing but set us up for the best possible future. Our choices will dictate the abundance of that future.
Additional Scripture:
Loving People to LIFE in Christ Part 2
Revelation 20:11-15
People will spend an eternity in the Lake of Fire for only one reason.
It is not because of their sins, but because they do not have ________!
Understanding "LIFE"
John 1:1-9. LIFE is eternal and it is found in Jesus Christ. We are told that this LIFE is Light that "enlightens every man" (1:9; See also 14:6)
The 1st Aspect of LIFE: from unbeliever to believer in Christ.
Eternal LIFE - This is a gift given at the moment of faith.
Eternal Life is the forever LIFE. Believing in Christ is the ONLY condition for receiving eternal LIFE.
It is a free gift, provided at the great expense of Christ on the cross, but made freely available to all who believe. Eternal LIFE secures the believer for all eternity. It is LIFE that can never be lost! This is because it is contingent on the finished, perfect work of Christ on the cross, and not on our daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or lifetime performance.
Loving People to LIFE in Christ Part 1
Pastor Jeremy is taking a break from the Foundational Frameworks Series to preach a 3 week series on the mission statement of our church.
Loving People to LIFE in Christ
Issues in communication
At Least 5 different mission statements
Q: Do we serve Christ with any of these statements in mind?
The Promise not change anything for a year
This is not changing something , but bringing clarity & focus.
We must all be on the same page...not just together.
The Elders have given their approval
Loving People to LIFE in Christ
LOVE - The Essential Means
PEOPLE - The Goal Before Us
LIFE in Christ - The ONLY Solution
Q: Why should we love people?
1. Because God loves people
-John 3:16. God's love for people motivated Him to provide salvation!
2. We are recipients of His love.
-Romans 5:6-8. God's love does not weigh a person's worthiness. He knows that we are thoroughly corrupt, yet He died anyway!
3. Because God is love & He shows us how to love.
-1 John 4:7-10. Love is inseparable from who God is. God's love for us is seen in the sacrifice of Jesus.
4. Our love for one another is a matter of maturity.
-1 John 4:11-12. Our understanding of His love for us is seen in our love for one another.
5. Our love for one another is how God will evangelize the world.
-John 13:34-35. We are not commanded to love the world. That is God's job. We are commanded to love each other "even as Christ has loved us." This is what will reach the world. This is worth striving for!