Dave Field speaks on Romans 13. He illustrates our relationship with our authority, and the importance of love.
Bold Grace Summit: Bonus - Saturday Night Worship
This is a bonus from the Bold Grace Summit. Enjoy a solemn time of worship, and prayer.
Bold Grace Summit Session 9: Romans 14
Grant concludes the day speaking on Christian liberty in Romans 14.
Bold Grace Summit Session 8: The Righteousness of God in Romans
Grant Hawley surveys through Romans to show God’s righteousness.
Bold Grace Summit Session 7: Romans 8
Grant Hawley takes us through Romans 8, mostly.
Bold Grace Summit 6: Romans 6:1-14
Dave Fields takes us through Romans 6:1-14
Bold Grace Summit Session 5: Romans 7
Listen as Grant Hawley talks through Romans 7 and explains the relationship between the Christian and the Law.
Bold Grace Summit Session 4: Romans 5:6-21
Jeremy Edmondson walks through this neat passage. Romans 5:6-21
Bold Grace Summit Session 3: Romans 5:1-5
This morning Bill Lee walked us through Romans 5:1-5.
Bold Grace Summit: Session 2 - Faith
In the second session of the Bold Grace Summit Jeremy Vance continued working through Romans 4, speaking on the process of Faith.
Bold Grace Summit: Session 1 - Words Have Meaning, Words Have Power Romans 3:21-31
We started our Bold Grace Summit with Jeremy Vance speaking on Romans 3:21-31.